College of Kinesiology


Picture of Dr. Joel Lanovaz

Dr. Joel Lanovaz PhD
Associate Professor

Associate Dean Academic

Picture of Dr. Saija Kontulainen

Dr. Saija Kontulainen PhD

Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies


Picture of Dr. Adam Baxter-Jones

Dr. Adam Baxter-Jones PhD
Professor College of Kinesiology and, Interim Associate Provost, Health

Picture of Dr. Karen Chad

Dr. Karen Chad PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Shannon Forrester

Shannon Forrester
Lecturer, USASK Sustainability Faculty Fellow

Picture of Dr. Saija Kontulainen

Dr. Saija Kontulainen PhD

Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies

Picture of Dr. Joel Lanovaz

Dr. Joel Lanovaz PhD
Associate Professor

Associate Dean Academic

Picture of Dr. Alison Oates

Dr. Alison Oates PhD
Associate Professor

Sabbatical Leave

Picture of Dr. Keith Russell

Dr. Keith Russell PhD
Emeritus Professor