Shannon Forrester
Lecturer, USASK Sustainability Faculty FellowResearch Area(s)
- Youth health and development
- Healthy aging and management of chronic conditions
- Scholarship of teaching and learning
- B.Sc.(with Distinction) Physical Education (1998), University of Saskatchewan
- M.Sc., Kinesiology (2001), University of Saskatchewan
- Clinical Exercise Physiologist (1998), Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
- High Performance Specialist (2019), Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
Teaching and Research Areas
Shannon holds a teaching focused faculty position. She instructs several undergraduate courses in the College of Kinesiology and is one of six Sustainability Faculty Fellows at the U of S. Shannon’s previously research focused on the theme of youth health and development but has more recently shifted to healthy aging and management of chronic conditions as well as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning So(TL). She is particularly interested in the intersection of physical activity, mental health, and So(TL).
Courses Taught
- Kin 121.3 – Functional Basis of Physical Activity
- Kin 122.3 – Social Behavioral Foundations of Physical Activity
- Kin 146.3 – Physical Activity in School Aged Children and Youth
- Kin 150.3 – How the Body Moves
- Kin 223.3 – Contemporary Health Issues
- Kin 225.3 – Introduction to Exercise Physiology – Neuromuscular and Metabolism
- Kin 226.3 – Introduction to Exercise Physiology – Cardiorespiratory, Thermoregulation, and Obesity
- Kin 281.3 – Fitness Foundations for Life
- Kin 424.3 – Aging and Physical Activity
Recent presentations/publications
Bergen, J.; de Barros, C., Galech, J., Forrester, S., Horwitz, S., and Squires, V. (2021, Jan 18). Should university instructors disclose mental health conditions? It's complicated.
The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/should-university-instructors-disclose-mental-health-conditions-its-complicated-172583
The National Post. https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/should-university-instructors-disclose-mental-health-conditions-its-complicated/wcm/82ec10b5-544d-43c5-9ec3-58a0cd57ddf6/amp/
Academica Group. https://www.academica.ca/topten
Andrushko, J.W., Gould, L., Renshaw, D.W, Forrester, S., Kelly, M.E., Linassi, G., Mickleborough, M., Oates, A., Hunter, G., Borowsky, R., & Farthing, J.P. (2021). Ipsilesional motor cortex activation with high-force unimanual handgrip contractions of the less-affected limb in participants with stroke. Neuroscience. 2021 Jan 1;452:111-125. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.10.031. Epub 2020 Nov 13.
Forrester, S. (2021). Enhanced focus through the incorporation of physical activity breaks into a second year kinesiology course. Presented at It’s Been SoTL Long: A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Event, Saskatoon, SK.
Sultan, Z. & Forrester, S. (2021). The Effects of an Acute Bout of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity on State Anxiety and Test Performance. Presented at It’s Been SoTL Long: A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Event, Saskatoon, SK.
Gould, L., Farthing, J., Forrester, S., Renshaw, D., Andrushko, J., Borowsky, R., & Kelly, M. (2017). Cross-Education Rehabilitation for Hemiparesis After Stroke: A Behavioural and fMRI Study. Presented at Canadian Stroke Congress, Calgary, AB.
Gould, L., Farthing, J., Forrester, S., Renshaw, D., Andrushko, J., Borowsky, R., & Kelly, M. (2017). Cross-Education Rehabilitation for Hemiparesis After Stroke: A Behavioural and fMRI Study. International Journal of Stroke, 12(4): p.88
Gould, L., Farthing, J., Forrester, S., Renshaw, D., Andrushko, J., & Kelly, M. (2017). Cross-education for improving hemiparesis post-stroke: A behavioural and neuroimaging study. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. Presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, & Cognitive Science (CSBBCS), Regina, SK
Gould, L., Farthing, J., Forrester, S., Renshaw, D., Andrushko, J., & Kelly, M. (2017). Neurobiological and behavioural outcomes following cross-education for hemiparesis post-stroke. Poster presented at the Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science (BASICS), Banff, AB.
Current Funding
Gelech, J. (PI) & Bergen, J., Drew, M., Forrester, S., Horwitz, J., Reichert, J, Ross, H., Squires, V. (2021 - 2023). Instructor Mental Illness Disclosures in Post-Secondary Classrooms: Exploring Student Impacts. SoTL Cluster Fund, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan
Academic Mental Illness Project (AMIP) website: https://sites.usask.ca/amip/