The Don Bailey Lecture Series 2024
The Don Bailey Lecture Series honours and commemorates the work of Dr. Don Bailey, an internationally acclaimed visionary.
By Alyssa Wiebe | Kinesiology CommunicationsAs a University of Saskatchewan faculty member and researcher, Don worked at the cutting edge of science and technology in the area of health sciences.
Amongst many of Don’s achievements, four groundbreaking projects stand out as having a major impact on health: The Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study, ParticipACTION, the Lifestyle Inventory Fitness Evaluation and the Bone Mineral Accrual Study.
Described by colleagues as a self-effacing, humble man, with a great sense of fun and determination, Don continues to inspire the next generation of bone and health development research.
The Don Bailey Lecture series will feature engaging and innovative guest lecturers from across the globe, presenting a broad range of kinesiology-related topics that advance health and wellness, and promote the importance of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.
We are excited to welcome Dr. Adam Baxter-Jones as our 2024 Don Bailey Lecturer.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
3:00pm - 3:45pm with refreshments to follow
PAC 246
Register now

Dr. Adam D.G. Baxter-Jones, PhD, joined the University of Saskatchewan (USask) faculty in 2000 and has held a number of leadership roles during his time on campus. These positions include Associate Dean (Graduate Education and Research) College of Kinesiology (2008-2010, 2011-2012), Acting Dean College of Kinesiology (2010-2011), Interim Dean, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (2013-2017). He currently serves the university as the Interim Associate Provost, Health, in the USask Health Sciences.
Dr. Baxter-Jones’s program of research concerns the growth and maturation of children pertaining to body composition development in relation to physical activity, sport, and exercise. He is a recipient of the 2015 University of Saskatchewan’s Distinguished Researcher Award and the 2012 Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Achievement Award.
He is a member of the Canadian Institute of Health’s (CIHR) College of Reviewers and currently the Scientific Officer on CIHR’s Social & Developmental Aspects of Children’s and Youth’s Health (CHI) committee.
In 2021, Dr. Baxter-Jones was named in a Stanford University report as one of the world’s top 2 per cent most-cited scientists in various disciplines. His research work has been cited approximately 15,000 times across hundreds of papers, including in prestigious journals such as Nature and The Lancet.