Student Awards at Spring Convocation
The College of Kinesiology is pleased to congratulate all of our graduates for 2017. At today's Convocation ceremony, two of the graduating students were presented with special awards in recognition of their accomplishments.
Emily Humbert was awarded the Dr. Gordon Garvie Prize, presented to the college's Most Outstanding Graduate, in honour of her academic performance, commitment to volunteer and community service, campus involvement, and leadership. Emily has been an active and engaged student throughout her years in our college, balancing academic success with her commitments as a member of the Huskie women's volleyball team. As a student-athlete, Emily represented her team on the Huskie Athletics Council and served as the HAC president this past year. Whether she is organizing teams for the KiSS annual road hockey tournament, coordinating the Huskies Christmas hampers, or volunteering her time as a Certified Personal Trainer to mentor young athletes who aspire to become the next generation of Huskies, Emily is truly one of those students who sees a need, steps in to fill it and then encourages others to join in. She is a remarkable ambassador for our college, Huskie Athletics and our university. Emily graduates today with an Honours degree with Great Distinction and will be going on to complete her Education degree.
Bashir Daud Shah was this year's recipient of the Dean's Medal as the student with the highest average in the graduating class. A strong and dedicated scholar who also graduates with an Honours degree with Great Distinction, Bashir has been recognized with several awards and scholarships for his achievements during his time in the college. His early interest in art transformed to a focus on the sciences thanks to the influence of inspiriing teachers in high school. As he began to consider his options following graduation, Bashir became interested in the health sciences as a way to incoporate the rewards of scientific discovery with the creative thinking that comes from the arts. Bashir has had the opportunity to conduct research as an Honours student, examining methods to optimize recovery following exercise, and gaining academic and research experience that will benefit his future studies as he moves on to the College of Medicine here at the University of Saskatchewan.
Again, congratulations to Emily, Bashir and all of the 2017 College of Kinesiology graduates!