In loving memory of Dr. Don Bailey
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Dr. Donald (Don) Bailey.
By Kinesiology Communications
Don was a valued and foundational faculty member of the College of Kinesiology from 1959 to 1994, when he transitioned to an Emeritus Professor and was still actively working until recently. Don was described by colleagues as a self-effacing, humble man, with a great sense of fun and determination. As a University of Saskatchewan faculty member and researcher, Don was a visionary leader in the areas of physical activity, fitness, bone health and longitudinal investigations of human growth.
During his long and distinguished career, Don was always a trailblazer of both science and technology. Amongst many of Don’s achievements, four ground-breaking, world-renown projects stand out as having a major impact on health: The Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study, ParticipACTION, the Lifestyle Inventory Fitness Evaluation and the Bone Mineral Accrual Study.
Don was also a great teacher and mentor, with two of his doctoral students going on to become Deans of the College. Today, Don’s legacy lives on as he continues to inspire the next generation of bone and health development researchers.
A full obituary for Dr. Don Bailey can be found here.
We invite all members of our community to join us in celebrating Don’s legacy at future Don Bailey Lecture series events.
The Don Bailey Lecture Series is 100% donor funded and we thank our donors for your support . To make a donation, click here and leave Don Bailey Lecture Series in the comment section.