Be Well Day
Join us in exploring strategies for a Healthy Body, Healthy Life and Healthy Mind
The university is committed to addressing wellness from a holistic perspective by creating an environment that promotes and supports the health and well-being of all who study and work at our campuses.
This free one-day conference is being offered so we can continue to shift our university to a stronger place of wellness by bringing awareness and support to the entire campus community and beyond.
Join us in our commitment. Come for the day or just for a session. Everyone is welcome!
"Be Well" Keynote Speaker
Allan Kehler
10–11:30am, PAC
Watch the livestream
Chad London, Dean of Kinesiology, will MC the event that will introduce the key component to the University’s new Wellness Strategy, Healthy Body, Healthy Life and Healthy Mind.
In addition, Kinesiology Ph.D. students, Stephanie Fusnik and Justin Andrushko will lead the Healthy Body session at 3:30-4:30 pm in Convocation Hall.
Register now or visit the Wellness Strategy page for more information on all of the sessions that day.